Little Wattlebird (Anthochaera chrysoptera)

The Little Wattlebird is the smallest of the wattlebirds and is a medium to large honeyeater. It is also a very friendly bird and and will allow you to get quite close to it at times. This one in our back garden is a regular visitor, especially now the bottlebrush is out.

More detail.

It is mostly dark grey-brown above, with faint white shafts on each of the feathers. The underparts are grey and are heavily streaked with white. The streaks are finer around the throat, becoming more blotched on the sides of the belly.

Little Wattlebirds are found throughout south-eastern and south-western Australia and Tasmania. They prefer the drier and often scrubby, habitats, such as banksia heaths, forests, woodlands and urban parks and gardens.

If you have time to take a look, I have just put up a back blip here for the 10th.

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