lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Strange art

I saw this man apparently holding a chick in his hand standing in the window of the University of the Arts in London. Upon closer inspection, neither the man nor the chick are living. I guess the man is a wax work. The reflection in the window shows the reality of a wet Friday afternoon in London.

Today was my final day at work. I was feeling OK until I had to tell people from other companies who I work quite closely with that I am leaving. Most of them I never got the chance to meet but several sent messages back along the lines of "Don't go! You're doing a really good job and are easy to deal with." It reinforces the truth that I can do the job, it's just all the extra pressure they added on that got to me.

I spoke to my boss's boss. He came across all sympathetic and said it was a shame it hadn't worked out and how I'd been doing so well. Then he asked me if my anxiety was a medical problem and why I hadn't mentioned it on my job application or in the interview. The implication being that they probably wouldn't have hired me if I'd mentioned it at those stages.

Anyway, that chapter of my life is now over and it's time to start a fresh page. I've booked a few days away on my own next week, to give myself some space to clear my mind and to focus on the things that I enjoy.

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