A Thousand Words

By Miskelbel


Honestly I wasn't thinking about blipping today. At all.

Then rolled around 11:30, and I realized it was time to think about it, except I really had -no- choices. Then, almost like a light went off... my door.

My bedroom door is essentially a collage of who I am. I have pictures, postcards, banners, movie tickets, stickers, everything on it. It gotten so bad that it covers both side of my doors. This is only a tiny piece of it and a collage I made in middle school over ten years ago. A lot of things have changed, and a lot remained the same.

If you compared yourself to yourself as a child, what would be the same? What would be the difference?

If I could take a picture of music, I would of the newest single by AFI. "Medicate"

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