A Thousand Words

By Miskelbel


I didn't really think about pictures today. I spent the most of today's in the enjoyable company of my best friend and her boyfriend. We spent hours talking and reminiscing. It's hard to believe I've been friends with her for almost six years.

My basement is quite honestly a basement. Sometimes it feels like a horror movie because of the double doors near the washer and dryer. When I was a kid, I refused to ever go down there. I always thought monsters lived there. When I got older, I refused to go down during the night. I was terrified something was lurking down there (of course, I also watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other vampire-like movies during this time). Now, I can go down, I just can't go pass the double doors at night.

I remember a school project in elementary school. We were asked to make up a monster. I put mine right above my washer and dryer in the basement.

It is my last day in Chicago and essentially, my last day of summer. I'm returning to DC and school tomorrow. It makes me sad to realize that -four- months have passed so quickly.

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