Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Still grumpy

A couple of people mentioned doing my mail re-direction online after my hair tearing out experience at the PO yesterday. So this morning I did indeed complete the request online.


Each time, it said that it was ‘unsuccessful’. No reason given. And maybe, because I kept trying, I was locked out, but there was no indication of that.

I rang the helpline many many times, each time I had to listen to the automated voice giving about ten options for each number. Though I knew which number to press, if I did it too soon, she’d start her blurb again. On two occasions, I listened to all the rigmarole, eventually getting through to a PERSON, and click…. silence.

Then a cheerful voice, 'The other person has cleared…’

I’m sure there was steam coming out of my ears.

I then tried to do in JR’s name. ‘Your application has been unsuccessful’.

The helpful advice when my online application was ‘unsuccessful’ was that I should now go in person to the PO, with proof of my identity eg passport/driving licence and a utility bill or bank statement. Noooooooo! Just as well I didn’t have my blood pressure measured. It’s enough to put you off moving. Think I’ll just call around every week and pick the mail up…

As I was again in a Post Office induced state of grumpiness , we popped off to the afternoon movies. I thought ‘Filth’ would have increased my bad mood exponentially, so plumped for The Wikileaks film - The Fifth Estate. Good move. It was very very good.

Popped in for a meal on the way home, and while this delicious mango lassi assuaged my less-than-frisky mood, the Bollywood muzak Most Certainly Did Not.

AND I am getting SO FAT. :-(

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