Sky Sunday

Thank goodness there's a challenge today. Thanks to CreativeLenna, we are challenged to take an image of the sky on Sunday. The weather had been very ordinary - windy, showers, and quite cool. Certainly not the weather for bugs, bees, beetles and butterflies.

So I spent the best part of the morning on a bake-fest, and this afternoon ventured outside to do a shot of the sky.

Which is much easier said than done. I found it extraordinarily challenging to be honest. I've never tried filters and stuff, which I suppose I should. We've got them, but I've still not gone down that path.

Then there's the challenge of finding a decent vantage point without driving halfway across the State. This is from our back yard, and I hope portrays the stormy nature of the day. I did go down to Windy Point but the views were ordinary.

That reminds me, there was a blinding flash of lighting this morning, and then the loudest thunder clap you've ever heard. All the power went off for a while, and we had to scrape the cat off the ceiling.

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