Australia in pictures

We went to an exhibition at the Royal Academy - 200 years of Australian art on the theme of land and landscape, dating from 1800 to the present day. A fascinating exhibition, with some wonderful pictures. If any Australian blippers have noticed gaps in their local art galleries, we have the pictures here! As ever, no photographs allowed in the gallery, so this is the best I can do.

As you can see from the picture, the rain returned today. Not that it really worried us, as we have been inside most of the day. This morning we saw an exhibition at the British Library - Picture This: tracing the way in which some children's classic books have been illustrated. As someone who has always thought how important the quality of illustration in children's books is, I loved this tiny exhibition.

Tonight five members of the family are meeting up at the Southbank Centre for the 2013 Man Booker Prize Readings. We have all been trying to read the six short listed books and amazingly for the first time I am going to have read all six. I'm just finishing the last one. All the authors will be there to read from their books and answer questions. Should be good.

I will catch up with everyone tomorrow, as we return home.

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