Daily Wild

By emyjane

Autumn healer

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Hedge woundwort, used once for staunching wounds & for abdominal pains, it's amazing just how many wild plants have been used & are still used for medicine. So don't pull it up, it's not a weed, it's a beautiful plant & it's loved by insects.

And, another thing you must not cut back & indeed grow...

Food for the birds

Gym this morning on a wine spritzer hangover, not pleasant & I didn't have a lot of energy as late to bed last night due to an unexpected stress from a neighbour. Tomorrow starts every other day to the gym, as I have so much work to do & tomorrow I will not go to the gym - I just have to chant that to myself to convince myself this is a good thing! Did some work this afternoon, then the rain cascaded down, so I snuggled up in bed with my laptop & watched some dvds - would love a tv in my bedroom, just no room! xxx

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