
By samsticks

Edinburgh Gardens

And yet another 13 hour day at work today with more to come. I'm looking forward to next week when I only have a single late night on the calendar.

Miles seemed to be better this morning, so we got him up, dressed and ready for day care. I was in the shower when I heard Gina's cry of dismay. Tummy still isn't right - I cut my losses and just stripped him off and put him straight in the bath for a hose-down.

Guess no daycare again today then! Gina was able to stay home with him, although he did make it to a couple of her meetings that she couldn't shift! Apparently he just took it all in his stride. He's been better for the rest of the day, but is no contending with the return of the dreaded snots. "That's just daycare", apparently.

I like to think he's building his immune system to be more resilient later on!

I took this shot on my way home (around 22:30). Despite cycling past this building in the park every day, I'd never thought of photographing it. Today it just called to me!

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