Home Again!

Before collecting Taz yesterday I rang the cattery.

“How is Taz?”

“Er…” long pause.

OMG! He’s died and they don’t know how to tell me.

“Is he cat or dog?”


“He’s a cat.

“Could you ring back in five minutes and I will fetch the girl who looked after him?”

“Don’t bother. I’ll be over in 20 minutes.”

This is a big commercial cattery – 50 cats and 20 dogs- and we had to use it when the small one we usually use was fully booked.

Well, Taz is back home now. He has definitely put on weight during his 11 days in the cattery and in a strange way he has aged. He has become more placid, laid back, like an old cat. This is worrying.

He is a cat with attitude and it looks as if his stay in the cattery has knocked that out of him.

Let's hope he soon returns to his stroppy self-demanding self.

We won't be using that cattery again….

PS Apology blippers for lack of comments- internet connections excellent in Moroccao but ran out of time and back home in Scotland our internet connection has broken and our local library( which I am using) is struggling with their wi-fi connections today.

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