Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

What do you mean I shouldn't be here

Three dives today and starting to feel a bit better. Managed to see and play with lots of sea lions. Great to see them in the water moving and turn with such grace.
Still had a night of travelling so didn't sleep that well. We have another 2 nights at least of traveling all through the night to get to the bottom of the Sea of Cortez.
Had a few guests arrive and sit on some of the rigging. Great to see some boobies up close. Childish I know but still put’s a smile on my face whenever we talk about them. These are the white footed variety
Going to try a beer tonight with dinner and let the boat out.
Looking forward to the diving tomorrow.

Dive 3
El Arroyo
Start time 8.42
Max depth 30.2m
Dive time 62 min
Temp 27
Early morning dive to go and see some sea lions.
As soon as we were in they came to see us. Ignored them for the first part of the dive while we went along the wall looking for things at 30m. Went straight into a big current which wasn't good. Too much like hard work for this time of the morning and this part of the trip.
Didn't manage to see much in the first part of the dive but when we came up to find the sea lions the dive got interesting.
Spent 20 minutes with them at around 20 to 10m they were coming down and swimming around us and biting the bubbles.
I know they would move quickly but the way they can turn is amazing.
I had borrowed John’s camera for the dive and managed to get a few good pics. Mainly at the end when we have just surfaced and they were swimming around us.
Great first dive of the day

Dive 4
Start time 12.37
Max depth 22.0m
Dive time 62 min
Temp 29
After a good breakfast and a kip it was time for the second dive of the day.
This was a gentler dive on a wall which ended up on a sandy bottom around 20m. Sea lions were on us as soon as we got in and we did see a nice green turtle heading out to sea.
Managed to get a stinking headache on the first dive that was still slightly there as we went in.
Had a good look around for some sea horses, octopus etc but with no luck. Did manage to see some large sea snails in their conch shells with bright purple feet.
A couple of morays along the way.
At the end of the dive we came up to play with the sea lions again. Not so many as the first dive but still great fun. Saw another couple of green turtles as well.

Dive 5
Morro 3
Start time 16.19
Max depth 23.2m
Dive time 53 min
Temp 27
Smaller turn out for this dive. Mum and Dad stayed behind. Dive was in the lee of one of the small rocks off the main island.
Went down with the viz not as good as the last dive.
Lots of surgeon fish Kriol and trigger fish. A few puffer fish as well. One moray under the rocks.
Played with the sea lions as well. One came down and started to play with and nip one of the puffer fish so it inflated. It then faced a team effort as most of us started to move into protect the puffer fish so it could get away.
Started to get bored so we came up and around the side of the island a bit early to see a large green turtle.
Ended the dive in some nice clear warm water with lots of life.

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