Saturday stroll

Our beach was exceptionally crowded today but we still had a lovely hour and a half walk. JL came with her usual band of Vizslas and Cousteau had a great time with them all, causing havoc on this warm and windy Saturday.

These three were having a ball. Their wee dog was a scruffy, skinny thing who wasn't at all put off by our big kids.

Confession in the morning, followed by pie and chai at Hillyers - very good pies.

Then a spot of retail.

Then off to the beach for our walk.

Then a phone call.

B had hurt himself at paintball and was en route for the hospital.

Three hours and much pain (for him) later, he was told that it is a sub-luxed AC joint. A partially dislocated colarbone (ish) and that there wasn't much he could do but rest it until it heals.

He will be a terrible patient.

Then I drove him to his folks' house so that they can give him the TLC he needs, fell asleep on the couch and then went home to bed.

Feeling very dizzy and not quite right. Sinuses are playing up because of the hayfever, I think. At least I'm not in pain. I'll get some sleep tonight, unlike B!

Watching and waiting

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