Waxing Gibbous

This shot was taken about 19.30 tonight.

I can't believe its 22.20 already!!!!! Where has today gone??

Megan was at a sleepover and the other 3 were at Granny's for a sleepover last night so that I could work in the office this morning. Jessica had other ideas and was sick this morning. When I got down there she did look awful but was already saying that she was hungry. She was sick for the last time about 10.30-11am and not been sick since, she has also eaten her tea, had an ice cream and played with the girls all afternoon. Hopefully whatever it is it has gone now as we go away on Wednesday!!

The girls are all going to the Dance Craze holiday club tomorrow and Papa is taking wee Johnny out!

My mum is going to finish Johnny's room wallpapering tomorrow and I will work in the office again in the morning. We are then going to go and visit BP in hospital. He is a good bit better today but the nurse has said that unless there is a care plan put in place for him then he won't be going home......I think that is a good idea so they will get the wheels in motion now.


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