Something is brewing

It's typical spring weather out there. Hardly settled into one pattern and nature unleashes a dramatic change. Looking at the rapidly changing clouds out there, something is brewing.

Stormy large

A quick phone blip for me. Well, not so quick because my phone and home hpx network weren't talking to each other. Once everything was playing nicely and sharing toys, I needed to head away to my meeting.

The sad part of the talk I heard was the degradation of Canterbury's rivers and lakes. The outlook is depressing as we have no democratically elected Environment Canterbury Councillors and no end in sight to government appointed commissioners.

On a happier note Fish and Game is keeping a watch on trout and salmon numbers and their hatchery does a fantastic job of helping nature when nature needs a hand.

I asked about the omega 3 level in trout. He didn't know. But he could tell me the survival rate of caught and released trout and land-locked salmon if excellent, if they're handled correctly.

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