Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Gladiolus flower essence helps us to open out from the concerns of the ego or personality, and thus become more stable in our spiritual intent. Interesting things are happening astrologically at the moment that really resonate with my experiences of the past few months. I'm not an astrologer so don't know the detail of the conjunctions, but essentially what is happening is that the planets of Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron have been working together in a profound way since April.

What this means for us all is that our deepest soul wounds are being expanded to be shown to us more clearly. We may experience this as great pain, trauma, challenge, change and difficult relationships with people in our lives. This is, in reality, a golden opportunity for healing.

It is an opportunity to let go of our illusions about how we see our lives and our selves and reflect very deeply on who we truthfully are and what we need to integrate. As we let go of our ego's attachment to being a victim in any situation and look honestly within to see our unbalanced emotions and beliefs, we will connect with the most spiritual aspect of ourselves.

So don't ask yourself 'why is this happening to me?' or 'what have I done to deserve such dreadful things in my life?' Instead ask what parts of your personality you are seeing as you respond to these situations. These are the aspects that call you to integrate and heal them and nobody else can do that for you. One of my son's favourite expressions is 'you're not the boss of me' and he's right. Nobody is the boss of anyone, we are each the boss of our own lives and choose whether we want to heal our pain or whether we choose to stay stuck in illusions.

Gladiolus flower essence
is a wonderful support for this process.

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