Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Hyssop flower essence is one of the most important essences I use to support people in their own healing. Hyssop works on guilt, which can be a very damaging energy to carry.

Guilt is one of the most common reasons that clients give me for not making the changes they would like to make in their lives. Guilt keeps people stuck when their soul wants them to move on.

Our society sets such great store by us being unselfish and doing things that serve others, that many people feel guilty about doing things that honour themselves.

Hyssop flower essence works on everyday guilt, like that experienced by a woman who doesn't want to start an art class because she feels guilty about leaving her husband alone for an evening.

Hyssop flower essence works on deeper guilt like that which is carried by people who have experienced abuse of any kind and feel that it was their fault.

Many people feel guilt about how they express their sexuality. I have seen this most clearly with clients who are gay and carry guilt about expressing their true sexuality. This guilt may have been absorbed from religion, society or family. It's a tragedy to see people feeling guilty about honouring their true selves. Hyssop helps to release guilt so that pride blossoms instead.

Today Noah and I went to Manchester and, in getting lost on our quest to find the CBBC show at the Trafford Centre, we had an exciting city adventure. Somehow we ended up in the middle of the Manchester Gay Pride Procession. A riot of colour, music, joy and pride. We watched people dancing and smiling and being proud of who they are, and Noah was captivated by the superhero costumes and beautiful young men dancing in their underpants. I was carried back to my London clubbing days which seems like a lifetime ago.

As hyssop flower essence is taken, it allows you to face the fundamental cause of guilt you are experiencing. As it is acknowledged and released, a huge shift can be seen in someone's energy field. There is a tangible sense of pride, relief and self-acceptance which is truly beautiful.

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