
By Mikey88

After the rain the sun . . .

We woke up to heavy rain this morning which kept on until about ten o' clock, when it suddenly stopped and the sky cleared apart from occasional clouds coming across.

When it shone, the angle of the sun matched the angle of the roof so that the shadows of the chimneys gave a perfect representation of the chimneys - with perhaps a slight elongation. Interestingly, when the sun went behind a cloud and the shadows disappeared, there were wet patches left where the shadows had been, so the shapes were still there.

Rest of the day was spent waiting in for the builders, who didn't show. A bit annoying. Also continued cleaning the boy's room. It was quite nostalgic going through the books and bits and pieces he has collected through his childhood and teens. Don't know how he is going to decide what to keep when he eventually clears it out.

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