Journey Through Time

By Sue

Fun with Dahlia

A bit cooler today, but a gorgeous sunny day in the Pacific Northwest. Amazing! I went on a short walk and got this lovely dahlia to share with you. I messed with it in Picasa, just to have a bit of fun. It won't be long before the flowers are gone, so guess we should enjoy their beauty while we can.

Bill tackled a job that I had requested and I'm so pleased!! The builder put in a concrete step up to our house from the garage, but that one step should have been two. There was a 8 1/2 " step up from the concrete step to the house. Over the years that step seems to have been getting higher and higher and higher! It's difficult for my aunt to get in the house that way and it is more noticeable for me that this step is way too Bill put in two wooden steps and wow...what a difference that makes! Much easier to navigate from the garage to the inside of our house.

Hope all is well. See ya later.

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