Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Mr Turtle

Early start this morning to go on a walk with Dora. We got dropped off on the beach and had a walk up the surrounding cliff face. Nice to get back on land and stretch our legs for a while.
David fell down and badly cut his hand so had to go back. Managed to get to the top of the cliff and take some photos of the sun rising as we went.
When we got to the top the way down wasn't so obvious. Ended up scrambling down a scree slope to get back to the shore. Not the most fun way to get down.
Also realised at the bottom that I had been bitten twice once on each side of my face which came up in a couple of large lumps.
First dive of the day was great and helped by the fact I found a GoPro on the rocks at around 30m.
Had a look when we got back and it was owned by a couple of spear fisherman who managed to get a large jack on the video.
Second and third dives were good but the strobe wasn't set quite right on the last dive so I couldn't get any good shots.

Dive 22
Sea Summits
Start time 9.43
Max depth 34.8
Dive time 44 min
Temp 28

Back to the same site as last night. Down the anchor line into 38m of water. Came of the line at around 34m and swam over to the seamount. Having a look around saw what looked like an old weight belt. Wasn't going to pick it up but decided to have a look and found a GoPro camera just lying there. Finder’s keepers.
Had a swim around the rocks and the dive guide found a nice small jewel moray.
Went around the corner and found a nice large green turtle with lots of barnacles on his back having a clean.
Left him in piece and saw a baby turtle heading for the surface.
Found a few other morays on the top of the rock before heading back to the shot line.
Nice dive again with lots of soft coral and sea fans. Best dive site of the trip so far.

Dive 23
Las Animas Pinnacles
Start time 14.05
Max depth 30.2m
Dive time 60 min
Temp 28

Moved to another seamount for this dive. Down and out into the current point to look for big stuff again with no luck.
Came back on the reef and had a look around for the usual suspects. John managed to find a frog fish, which was the highlight of the dive.
Some more morays and 4 turtles as well. Could also have been the same one a couple of times.
Nice dive.

Dive 24
Las Animas Sea Lion Point & Wall
Start time 17.14
Max depth 22.0
Dive time 58 min
Temp 28

Last dive of the day and it was late. It had started to get a bit dark by the time we got out. Down and out into the blue again to see if there was anything big around.
Went along the reef and then out to an outcrop around 20m from the main reef. Saw a nice turtle along the way.
Back on the main reef to see some more green and jewel morays.
The strobe on the camera didn’t work and I also made the wrong decision to go to macro as we have a good few visits from the sea lions and up close this time.
Saw a couple more turtles along the way one of them very large.
The bull sea lion was out in force barking and blowing bubbles at us marking his territory and chasing the females away from us.
Nice dive to end the day on.

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