
By EvelyneNC

The moon has risen

"Der Mond ist aufgegangen" is the first line of a German poem, that has been used in a song that my mother used to sing for us quite often before we went to sleep at night.

It is called "Evening song" by Mathias Claudius, who was born in 1740.

1. Der Mond ist aufgegangen,
Die goldnen Sternlein prangen ,
Am Himmel hell und klar;
Der Wald steht schwarz und schweiget,
Und aus den Wiesen steiget,
Der weiße Nebel wunderbar.

2. Wie ist die Welt so stille,
Und in der Dämmrung Hülle,
So traulich und so hold!
Als eine stille Kammer,
Wo ihr des Tages Jammer,
Verschlafen und vergessen sollt.

3. Seht ihr den Mond dort stehen? ,
Er ist nur halb zu sehen,
Und ist doch rund und schön!
So sind wohl manche Sachen,
Die wir getrost belachen,
Weil unsre Augen sie nicht sehn.

I publish the first 3 strophes here in German, because I know that there are some Germans amongst my Blipfoto friends. Here comes the translation for everybody else:

1.The moon has risen,
The tiny golden stars shine
In the heavens bright and clear;
The forest stands black and silent,
And from the meadows arises
A wondrous white mist.

2. How the world is still,
And in twilight’s veil,
As intimate and lovely
As a quiet chamber,
Where the misery of the day
You will sleep away and forget.

3. Do you see the moon standing over there?
There is only half of it to see,
And yet it is round, and fair!
So it is with several things
That we mock confidently,
Because our eyes see them not.

Well, there are 3 more strophes. The last one goes like this:

7. So, dear brothers, lay down
In God’s name;
cold is the evening breeze.
Spare us God your wrath,
let us and our worn neighbors
peaceably sleep,

And with so many things nowadays you can even listen to the song on You Tube...Herbert GroenemeyerThere are many versions of this folk song or children's song. Here the version of one of Germany's greatest singers from a concert in 2012.

I had a full and happy day with working in the yard where I found the last rose that absolutely does not want to let go as well as a rosebud that probably will not have the time to open anymore.
Visiting a friend who lives in a glorious place on a little island, working in my studio to prepare a birthday gift
All of this ishere documented .

I hope that all of you down under are safe from the fires!

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