
By Ellaphant

Traffic Jam ... ? Baaa(h)!

What did I spot from the classroom window during exams this morning? A whole flock of lawnmowers, probably about a hundred, maybe more, being shepherded by their owner down the Kralingse Zoom, right in front of our university, to the next section of dike or meadow they are supposed to graze on. I've seen them work right next to the highways, costing a lot less than the machines.

Quite foggy this morning. Thinned out later in the day but it was never completely gone. Think I'm done with the 'Painting mode' for now ... but it does help brighten things up when the skies are dark.

Guess what ... AUTUMN BREAK! Believe you me, I didn't bring the exams home. They can wait another 10 days. I'm sure they won't run away. :)

P.S. Sometimes I do wonder why I go on here ...

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