
OK, OK, I know, I know, this is not a big departure from anything in the past yet... but I need some baby steps please, I have to breathe.

So, in Alaska I am surrounded by nice scenery. And I have a decent camera and lens, (Nikon D200/ 17mm-55mm f/2.8). So, if I plunk down the decent camera in front of the nice scenery and push the shutter release, a nice image is created. So, what have I done? The camera can deterimin the exposure and captured the image. What have I created? Is the image any expression of creativity?

You may say, "But Chaos, you framed the image, you set the horizon, you selected the placement of the tree, pond, and mountain." Sure, I selected them, but they were already there, I didn't move them or anything. Besides, I applied rules or techniques that I learned from someone else. Is that creativity?

You may say, "But Chaos, you enhanced the image to make it interesting or beautiful." Sure, I had to enhance the image after the capture to make it appealing. One of my weaknesses is, if you can't find a good image, try B&W or PS the hell out of it. Is that creativity?

What is creativity? Can a person learn to be more creative?

I want to know because I want some more of it.

I asked this question of bluesheep and blueplanetphoto. Their responses were helpful to me.

I need to ask you: "What makes you creative?" and "Can you teach me that?"

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