Saturday Market

On Saturdays near downtown Anchorage a football field sized parking lot is converted into an open market. There are many tent booths or mini shops tightly packed along the walk ways. People from all over peddle a variety of stuff and food.

These wooden canes or walking sticks caught my eye. Yes that is a mini self portrait of me there in the reflection. And you thought I didn't have the courage to expose myself!

Thanks for your great comments on my previous post. It was very helpful to receive and read your advice. And it is true what you say. So, now I have a lot to work with.

I have liberated some of your words and thoughts. Please forgive me for taking only snippets out of your elegant comments. I would like to call this collection:

How to be a Happy (and creative) Blipper:

~G: "do what makes you feel good"

~herrklantz: make "natural choices"

~benek: "see with the photographic eye, make something out of the more ordinary"

~tremont: Keep in mind: "one's eye is smarter than one's brain"

~Flick: "do what you want to do, take risks with confidence, be honest to yourself"

~Alex: Remember: "it is a journey, not a race"

~roughlytoday: "live and feel each day"

~bluesheep: "discover something in the moment, make the most of your surroundings by capturing something in a way that creates the strongest image possible, put the most of yourself into the shot"

~blueplanetphoto: "learn to use and manipulate the technology. Learn to see. Create photographs that you enjoy and not what other people want. If you try to photograph for someone else before you photograph for yourself you will almost always be disappointed."

~dreamer: "don't be scared to try new things - which in turn will bring enjoyment, enjoy it, enjoyment breeds creativity"

~treegonk: "getting out the camera and taking pictures will get you 'seeing' new things"

~dailypost: "shoot what you want to shoot. Don't get bogged down in audience approval or trying to be arty and pretentious. Teach yourself, keep taking pictures"

~scintilla: "Take pictures that make you happy. Enjoy other's blips and expose yourself to ideas that you like and try to execute them yourself."

~Northern: "Creativity is: a) whatever you want. b) what you can get away with. Don't sweat, just do what stirs you. Failing that, do whatever is in front of you. If you're lucky those are the same thing."

~16X9: "Follow your heart and look around you. Be aware of where you are and take a moment in time. Do what makes you happy and share it."

You guys are the best. Thanks.

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