
We went to the Kempton Steam Museum, they had a Titanic exhibition and a fascinating talk by Philip Littlejohn whose Grandfather Alexander James Littlejohn was a member of staff on the Titanic who survived as he was a First Class Steward and therefore in charge of one of the life boats, no 13 in fact, I found the talk extremely moving, his hair went completely white after the disaster.
Max's shot of him.

Max and the boys went on a tour and went up to the top platform of this construction, my vertigo wouldn't allow me to go further than the first platform.

On our way home we stopped off at the local vet who were having an openday, they had cava and other drinks, sandwiches, cakes and sweets, a tombola and were giving tours of the surgery, we saw Gulli's poo on an ultrasound ;-) they had various cuddly toys rigged up to medical equipment, it was very interesting and good fun.

Gulliver's homework was to write an account of women's envolvement in WW2 and Zebedee had to design a mask using the things he likes.

I said we should watch a war film as both boys are learning about WW2 so we watched Captain America, a good film but not quite what I had in mind ;-)

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