Bad News ...........

I was up at the crack of dawn (for a weekend) to take the car to Seafield (Edinburgh, not West Lothian) to have its first service.
Free coffee and half decent music - if slightly too loud - on tap and the car was ready within the stated time.

Horror on the way home when I filled the tank from nearly empty (8p per litre discount is not to be sniffed at). I was beginning to think there was a hole in the tank. The capacity is much bigger than 'my' car.

Pictures ordered online from Costco collected - no colour cast and probably about as cheap as printing at home. the only downside is the lack of choice in paper.

Attempts to get printer ink at the big purple shop in town proved a bust.
Why do they insist on selling a huge range of printers but not the ink to put in them?
Useless feckers - not helped by the idiots they employ on Saturdays.

Wood delivered to a friend (again) for his new venture into woodturning.
Still not seen the inside of his new motorhome though - I wonder what is wrong with it that he doesn't want me to see (maybe something to do with whatever it was that blew the electrics on the camp site he went to during the week)

I also did a wee bit of turning but nothing else.

So ---- the bad news is ....................... you get todays pot as a blip.

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