
By CafeMistblick

Relocation day

Having built a floor board last night, today moved the middle colony from the borrowed hive box to my box. Took the opportunity to do a quick inspection. Yet again didn't spot the queen. Find it difficult to focus properly especially with the face screen. As a novice, I can't judge how fit the colony is for the winter. Have photographed all the frames and will ask MrB to take a look. There are several frames with room to be built out.

The photos are:
top: The result - frames moved from old green box to new one
middle: Starting position
bottom: one of the well built out frames & the "author"

In recent weeks have done quite a bit of work with the bees without any protective clothing except gloves. Today I didn't risk it but apart from a spell near the end when moving frames packed with bees, it remained very quiet.

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