
By Dotty

Day 30 - Sober for October

I slept in, which was probably needed.

Yesterday was a pig of a day. Frustrating, annoying and quite frankly lonely after last week. There was a mix-up about work: I wasn't needed yesterday but I am needed next Saturday. I found out too late to be able to go to my monthly tutorial in Edinburgh (I have to get the 7:30 bus to be able to make that) and it means I've had to cancel a very looked-forward-to trip to meet some Twitter chums in Gateshead next Saturday.

So I decided to grasp the nettle and paint my sitting room ceiling. I hate painting ceilings. But it was a good thing to do - I also painted two walls, which I didn't expect to achieve and have filled two bags with books which won't be read again & DVDs for my Little Shop of Treasures. And this is where my kindle comes into its own: that's the place for paperback disposable novels, leaving my happily groaning bookshelves for reference, poetry and other keepers. Like Rebecca.

And of course general decluttering goes hand in hand with decorating, which is always a good thing.

I'd better get up now and finish the job. And make bread. Making bread and baking for the boys' packed lunches makes everything better. I might even sand the kitchen table down once it is all in the oven and repaint that while I've got the paint out.

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