Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

Old car market building..

This building is in the East end of Glasgow beside where the old abattoir was in Duke Street. I think that it may even have originally been the cattle stalls for the abattoir. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who knows whether this is true or not.

The image is another lensbaby shot. I took a few using different apertures which creates a differing amount of blurring. I couldn't make up my mind between two shots of it. The other is here.

I took a few other shots today that I liked. This one which was taken through a cafe window. I don't know why I liked it but I did.

And these two portraits of my friend K:

Portrait 1
Portrait 2

It's been a good day so far. I saw the doc and my bp was down a bit. I won't mention what happened to my weight alas... I had a frustrating rest of morning but achieved some things. Then I went off to meet K for a trip to the shop, some photos and coffee. I love living near friends. It's great being able to meet up so easily. I cycled over to where we met - a short cycle. I got absolutely soaked on the way back but I didn't really mind. It feels kind of liberating sometimes to already be soaking wet. I had dry feet but the rest of me was (and still is) damp.

Now I'm off to cook a bit pot of stuff and get cosy. Happy Tuesday Blippers!

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