
By Veronica

Waiting for the bus

It was another grey day, but I decided I needed to get out and about, so I went off for a bimble in the car. I chose my direction on the basis of where the faint fragments of blue sky were, which meant I headed for Montlaur. I'd dressed for what I thought the weather was, but I was soon pretty warm because it was 22C, with the humidity of a hammam. There were clouds of tiny flies everywhere.

The air did clear a little as I drove higher up, and it was positively sunny when I got to the turning for Montirat, a tiny hamlet. Here my blipometer emitted a less pronounced "bliiiip" than it did on 22 September, so I parked and blipped. Have a look large, and you may be able to read the graffiti, which says Occitania, socialisme e independencia -- fairly self-explanatory I think. I did a lot of twiddling in Photoshop to get a mono version I was fairly happy with, and my Blip Assistant insisted I blip it.

My original choice was this photo that I took on the outskirts of Montlaur, just as the fog was lifting. It's pretty unusual to have fog around here, especially at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, so I thought it was blippable but was overruled.

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