The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Square eyes

This Suffolk ewe shared the shelter of a beech tree with Gus and me when we were caught by a downpour as we were walking through Dallam Park.

Have you ever noticed that sheep faces are as individual and identifiable as human ones? Even more so to another sheep, or to a sheepdog like Gus. Wifie's father was a farmer, and one day we were looking at old photographs. One of them was a shot of his sheep flock in the snow, taken maybe 15 years before. He pointed at one sheep in the foreground, and said "By, tha' were a good yaw" (apologies to his dialect). He knew them all individually.

It was another damp day. A good day for doing indoor things, one of which was starting to scan the collection of Wifie's family photos. I hadn't expected the scanner on the new printer to be any better than the old one, which was pretty hopeless. But in fact, the quality is extremely good.

In one of the drier spells, I planted some snowdrops in the lawn for Bob.

This blip is dedicated to my friends Simon and Matt.

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