Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

More Lippy?

Well after realising that the house move is imminent and P's bedroom still had 3 purple squares on the walls, from paint testing, we decided it was time for drastic action- re painting the entire room!

Being 28 weeks pregnant and having a fiancée who would just slap the paint on any old how, it looked as though the painting was to be mainly undertaken by me.

However there was one little problem....a two year old who only wanted to be with mummy. In hindsight it might not have been the best idea, but I very quickly put together a box of treasures for her to play with. Included within was a lip stick and some eye shadows (among other things). The plan worked perfectly for around 30 mins and I was on a roll with the painting. Then a little voice said "mummy...eyes?" And upon turning round I saw this cheeky little face grinning at me!! Make up was everywhere, the lip stick had been broken in half and it was now apparently my turn to have my make up done aaaahhhh!!

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