Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Walks in the rain

Well I felt like a bad mum today. Far too much TV for my little one, but how else am I supposed to get any packing done?? I was trying to sort all the clothes... outfits for the rest of the week vs what can be packed, what can be thrown away and what still needs washing. P had no interest in helping me today so postman pat and mr tumble were my only option! After about an hour and a half however I though enough was enough and persuaded P that it was time for walk.

This wasn't going to be a nice stroll in the sunshine though as it was grey, cold and very wet outside. But we had letters to post and I was resolved to get out the house at least once today. P enjoyed putting the letters in the postbox and although I got thoroughly wet, the fresh air did me good.

The letters we were posting were new home cards with our new address on. I was awake at 5am this morning with heartburn and whilst trying to get back to sleep I was hit with a sudden panic that I was going to be terribly lonely and isolated in the new house. Somehow posting these cards strangely helped to quell this fear, although I will no doubt keep in touch with friends in much more modern ways!

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