
By dfb24

Ready for Take-Off

I stopped off at the park again on my way home from work...chilly, breezy & cloudy...just perfect for a walk around while I looked for a blip. I don't know what it is about me & geese, but we just don't mix well! Every time I get near geese, there's a problem! They seem to be, for the most part, some foul-tempered (pun intended) little buggers! There were about 8 of them swimming close to the edge of the pond, so I slowly started walking closer. In one fluid motion they all turned the other way & started down the side of the pond by the long grasses & cattails. So I turn to make my way around to the far side where I know there's a break in the grass, & one of the geese laying in the grass got up & actually HISSED at me! I gave him a wide berth as I headed over to the open area. The others slowly glide into view, so I stand up on the rock to get a better angle, & the lead goose turns to look at me & starts honking! All 7 of the other geese turn toward me & they all start honking! For like 10 seconds! What does that mean....Danger?...Get out of my face?...This is OUR park?... What?? Then in 1 single motion, they all turned & took off, which I was not expecting! I got off 2 shots, & they weren't totally clear, but it's what I've got for today. Blasted geese! I think I'm going to get a dog...to take with me to the park...to harass the geese...what a lovely thought!! Had to get home as I've got 4 dozen cupcakes to make for the meal program & have to have them up to church by 5! Happy Monday! :)

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