
By CreativeCarol

A Stitch in Time!

"Never go faster than your feet will let you" is not a rule that two year olds think about when they are playing at the playground. Poor little Moira tripped this morning and hit her chin on the playground equipment splitting it open. She was a brave little girl and only cried a little bit. I had rode my bike to the park with Moira in the bike trailer. So I realized as I sat on the ground applying pressure to her chin, that I did not have a way to get her home or to the hospital without a car. Putting a helmet on her and riding her back was not an option. Praise God my husband was able to come to the rescue. He was 40 minutes away in a meeting, but was able to come to pick her up and take her home. I made it back to my home on the bike in record time. My heart rate was elevated! Having gone through taking my own children when they were little to the ER for stitches I knew what was ahead. The team at our closest hospital was amazing. She was very comfortable eating a snack and watching TV here in this photo before the stitches were done. Moira's Mommy drove in from work making it there in time to see her little girl get eight stitches. We are very thankful that it was only stitches that she needed. She did scream when the needle went in to numb her and cried for the whole procedure. As soon as the doctor was done and she sat her up, Moira turned to her and sweetly said through her tears "Thank you". I am sure it was a Thank You that this Doctor will treasure.

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