Rainy day fungus

Doesn't that sound gross?... And doesn't that make you want to take a closer look?

I'm not sure why I choose the most fowl weather days to trench through the woods to photograph lacy fungus growths. But I seem to have a talent for picking these wet yucky days for this task. Maybe it's the weather that makes me think of the funny little mushrooms I've spotted on walks? Who knows...

Today was WET, cold and windy. (I think the weather is starting to make that change towards winter.) I missed the brief bit of sun that appeared early on today. By the time I got out it was a grey and the damp wind chilled me to the bone (I'd better toughen up before the winter weather arrives!). My attempts to find a blip with a face flopped, and that's when I remembered the fungus we saw on a dog walk the other day. So this afternoon I hiked in wearing my hunter orange vest (it's bow hunting season and bird/small game season making orange necessary) and I took my tripod since there wasn't much light. By the time I got to my subject, the rain had started up again so I didn't take the time to set up the tripod. Instead, I used the flash and shot from the most protected area I could. It wasn't too bad until the hail started (ouch). And well, when the gunshots started... I decided to head back to the car, too many issues to deal with at this point.

I really hate the hunting and until I moved here I didn't have the in-your-face type of experience with it that I do now. But that's part of getting to live in all this nature I guess. :( I refuse to leave the woods (for walks etc.) until rifle season (2 weeks in November). Until then, the dingy hunters are shooting with closer range weapons and my giant orange vest would be seen at that distance. During rifle season, their shots travel hundreds of yards and they don't always see what is in their path, so we stay out of the woods then. Heck, at that point we're not particularly safe in our yard. About 5 years ago a man was shot and killed getting his mail about 2 miles from here. Did I say that I hate hunting? Anyway, enough ranting, I think my mood must be being effected by this lovely weather. ;)

Enjoy the fungus! :)

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