Dew in the Grass

Guess what kind of day I had? First two guesses don't count. Busy of course. Arvin had a Physical Therapy appointment this morning. It went very well. Margot helped him with his hip as well as his back. She is very good at what she does.

Then we went home, had lunch, and headed out with Helena to Best Buy. I finally decided last night how to solve her ancient computer won't connect to the internet problem. Get a new one! We got a 17 inch Dell laptop and she was over the moon.

After we picked up the computer we headed to an appointment for Helena and that is where I took this photo of grass covered with dew. You can see more drops in the large version. After the appointment we went home and I tackled setting up her computer. It has Windows 8 on it and let me tell you, it is quite daunting to this old Mac user. I was finally able to figure out how to get to some of the stuff hidden behind those boxes on the Start screen. I am so glad I have a Mac. It is going to be a change for Helena too as her old computer has XP. Yikes. We will be having some learning sessions together I expect. I think it is ready for her now.

During all of this I managed to do four loads of wash. And after setting up the computer I made dinner for us all and Steve who joined us. He and I had a game of Carcassonne after dinner and now he and Arvin are watching some TV while I do my blip.

Phew! Pretty busy day today. Tomorrow I paint. Ahhh.

I just realized I don't have time to make any comments tonight. It got too late and I need to get a good rest before tomorrow. I'm pretty tired. So here is a virtual group hug for all of you wonderful blip buddies. Thanks for all the wonderful comments and stars and hearts on yesterday's blip. I had no idea it would please so many people. So a huge thank you to you all! Hopefully I'll have more time tomorrow evening and will be able to return to comment mode.

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