
Today we went to the cinema in Union Square to see Captain Phillips. Having read a bit about the actual incident upon which the film is based I knew how it was going to end. I was also aware there is some controversy about what actually occurred, and about the relative contributions of various crew members. So much so it is still the subject of litigation between some of the crew and the owners of the vessel.

The Blip forum challenge was to interpret "motion". I attempted to take a very slow exposure showing the motion of passers by, however I did not have a tripod and hand held, even with the camera supported, I could not get a crisp image. I had a photograph of the bus I was on which displayed a distinct lack of motion as it attempted to turn into Market Street from Union Street. We were stuck for several minutes watching the lights go through their sequence from red to green and back to red. This happened several times before we were at last able to move.

This photograph of the escalators in Union Square is all I was left with as in interpretation of "motion". I finished a book about Anthony and Cleopatra, and again I knew the events with which the book would end. Things did not work out well for Anthony and Cleopatra.

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