West Coaster

By WestCoaster

That Sinking Feeling

I have seen this old trawler for a long time now moored in the basin and given my mood I could sort of relate to her dilapidated state. She has been allowed to slip into decay and it is very sad to see. I love these old trawlers and as one who worked on the herring boats half a lifetime ago it pains me to see her so.

She has now sadly sunk, I wondered if she had been scuttled as there was a lot detritus along the walls of the basin, some that looked as
though it had actually been removed before she was allowed to be taken by the tide. She looks very sad and as I said her ravaged looks.

The under-noted lyric shuffled through my iPod today and it seemed to mirror things going on just now. It relates the story of those who had left this fair land and taken to the corners of the earth and who yearn for home. I love the song and the sentiment, I never yearn for home never really having left but I always think it poignant that the song is about my fervent hope for my friends coming home, drawn by the land, the family ties and the chance maybe to see old friends and so it is for me.

I don't know if you can see
The changes that have come over me
In these last few days I've been afraid
That I might drift away
So I've been telling old stories, singing songs
That make me think about where I came from
And that's the reason why I seem
So far away today

Oh, but let me tell you that I love you
That I think about you all the time
Caledonia you're calling me
And now I'm going home
If I should become a stranger
You know that it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything
I've ever had

Now I have moved and I've kept on moving
Proved the points that I needed proving
Lost the friends that I needed losing
Found others on the way
I have kissed the ladies and left them crying
Stolen dreams, yes there's no denying
I have traveled hard with coattails flying
Somewhere in the wind

Now I'm sitting here before the fire
The empty room, the forest choir
The flames that could not get any higher
They've withered now they've gone
But I'm steady thinking my way is clear
And I know what I will do tomorrow
When the hands are shaken and the kisses flow
Then I will disappear

I hope the shot is not to melancholic, I hope you can enjoy even though the sad subject, and really best in large.

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