A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Yellow Car!

Would be so easy if we owned our very own. Cleverly spotting that one of these would be impractical for us J once suggested we get two. Not today, though a trip to the garage to take the car to be serviced did remind me again how much I dislike our car and would like to swap it for one like we used to have. It's lovely on the inside and very nice to drive but I can never shake off the feeling that I must look like a sales rep and that bothers me. Possibly more than it ought to but it does, once again, remind me that if that is my biggest worry in life then that's something.

So today in summary: kids to school, drop car at service, run (!) back, collect prescription from Dr, few hours work, laundry, pilates, collect Anna, collect car (try not to look at the bill for a service and new tire - ouch), cook dinner, collect J from first school football tournament (they won) drive home 3 very excited boys who expressed this through the medium of singing Christmas songs?, more work, more washing, bedtime stories and cuddles. And now feet up with Veep.

A splendid day of special ordinariness.
Lesley x

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