Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Cathedral Peak

We had a very busy day today, starting with a lovely walk to a small waterfall up the valley. It was very hot and when we arrived the boys all wanted to jump into the rock pool until they felt the icy water and were suddenly no longer so brave! I had planned a wonderful long exposure shot of the falls and pool until I opened my ND filter case to discover it was empty!! So that idea had to be abandoned. On the way down the valley we came across this colourful locust.

After lunch the boys wanted to go quad biking and I went along to take a few photos. We saw many baboons all over the lawn and unusually they seemed to be rather restrained. When I heard how scenic the quad bike trail was up to a lake in the mountains I decided to join the boys. I thought I was being very brave and managed the steep ascent up the rocky track rather well but it turned out I was very s-l-o-w! Our guide took this shot of us quad biking and as you can see I am the only one not wearing a helmet as it was not possible to take photos with it on my head.

When we got back to the hotel we had a lovely tea and then I went off to the room to start editing my photos while the others went for a swim. Guess who I saw eating the flowers on the way back to my room!

This is the mountain range we see from our hotel. The Bell can be clearly seen and on the right of it is Cathedral Peak, after which this mountain resort is named.

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