
As well as the standard criteria, there are now (8) any additional household child-designations employed within the same household must go well with all existing labels, (9) additional designations should be phonetically and textually distinct from existing ones and (10) names of younger children should be within the realm of pronuncability of elder children, seeing as it will be they from whom the younger hears their own name quite often.

As we didn't know which karyotype this one was going to be until the appropriate identifiable external structures emerged we'd had a shortlist for both sorts, though a somewhat shorter one than last time, due to the additional restrictions. It perhaps made the selection-confirmation process easier that Amos emerged at a reasonable time of day following a good night's sleep and didn't get whisked off to neonatal ICU where we couldn't easily test his face-name apposition for several hours.

The decision had been finalised by the early afternoon yesterday, in plenty of time for it to be certain by the time I went home to collect the big one to take him back to collect the wee one, just in case the big one came up with any inappropriate suggestions for names if we didn't introduce the wee one by one.

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