Capital adventures

By marchmont


My clock is still on Turkey time. I keep thinking it is 7 a.m. when it is light but of course here it is almost 8 so another leap out of bed going 'I'm late'.

Blipped the orange berries of the berberis before I left. They make the wall look really pretty and the birds have left them alone.

Another busy, noisy day. 2 researchers from London to talk to members and staff, and N, also up from London to talk about Christmas. Plus the usual coming and going of staff and tutors. However, the forecast heavy rain did not materialise and it was a very pleasant afternoon.

After solving a recruitment programme we headed off to Hemma, Buffalo Grill and the Pear tree to which NL good luck in her new job. Somehow I managed to underpay, i'll need to sort that out on Monday.

Home after 11, hence the back blip. Saturday will be quieter, I hope.

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