New Board Old dude

By BOBTaskforcepro


A Good weekend to all blippers, as I am part of the 9-5ers, its freedom friday for us! Have a good one to all that are working over it!

On noticing a recent(ish) forum (Images less text). I started to think what was blipfoto about as well.

My time spent (albeit short) I have seen the photos, lives and written comments from people all over the World. And I received comments to my own blips, which are greatly appreciated, from all over the World as well.
As I bought a round-the-world ticket a few years ago, I constantly believe that there are no limitations to anything, anybody can do, if they want to, do anything and go anywhere, and if they dont then why not? If its good where you are already, then why go somewhere else?

Why should we try and define everybody when everybody is different. It is an organic, diverse, enjoyable and beautiful world, even in the rain (sometimes).


Whats at the foot of your bed?

A bunch of old books, a new board (and an old one) and a bit of eclectic junk that is sort of stored away.

I Love the kanga, the colour is brilliant. Again from Tanzania.

Have a good one blippers. (Apparently, there is a football game on tomorrow. Mr B hasnt been round yet, hopefully he keeps it quiet, he was a bad omen the last time!)

Scotland! Scotland! Scotland!

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