Freesias with their timing out

A couple of weeks ago I cleared a self-sown fennel from my back garden. The bulb part made it's way into a couple of salads and the rest of it came out.

I was surprised to discover hidden Freesias that had ended up lost behind the vigorous fennel. Remarkably they've surprised the ferocious dry winds we've had. Now they're on screen I note the aphids are back. Time to get the Neem oil spray out again. But they've survived and remain a gracious over hanging touch in one corner. Fittingly they're in the Roma Garden.

Large for more beauty (and bigger aphids ;-)

Today I did a pilates session with my friend Diana. It was good and a little tough in places. I picked up another native Clematis from the nursery and planted it on the inside of my front fence. It's a different strain the one on my back fence but I hope it will be just as successful.

I've had a long chat to Mum today. She was tired but comfortable. I described what I've been doing in the garden and how things look. I'll try to take more photos she can view and enjoy to go with the things I tell her. Many other blippers do garden shots better than me, but I'll take it as an opportunity to learn :-)

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