
By Wendywoo2

Cake with a side order of painkillers

Well today has been horrible!!! Back in 2009 my back went into spasm - the most horrific horrible pain I have ever had. Getting stuck on the sofa was a real low point. It eventually got better but had been bad ever since.

18 months ago I found the most amazing osteopath - never thought I needed this or what it would do but the time came to take action because my back kept going on and off and it was making my life miserable. Louise was the most wonderful person and for the first time in years I was free of pain. And had no problems since.

Until last fri - I had a few twinges but treated it with cream and all seemed to be ok. But yesterday it felt worse - so treated it with creams again but the amazing pain relief cream Louise gave me I lent to my mum who has gone on off holiday. This morning it really didn't feel good but thought I would get out and about because I have found that moving around helped ease it. But as the day gone on the pain has been horrific. Low point today was having to collect change from the parking machine and getting stuck and no one helped me!!!! I am struggling to stand but also struggling to sit!!! It's all a bit rubbish really to be honest and has hacked me off that I am back in pain again. Especially over my half term holiday. I had so much I wanted to do this holiday and I now can't. Luckily Louise can fit me in for an appointment tonight so I am hoping it was ease it. But feel really sorry for myself today!!!

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