
By Wendywoo2

My only smile

Today has been dismal - this malteaser smile is the only one I can muster after the day I have had. After having not a bad nights sleep with my back, my attempt to get out of the bed and into the armchair was ridiculously painful. I got stuck on the bed and it took my husband 20 mins to help me out. So today has been a mixture of sitting and fidgeting (under osteopaths orders) in my chair and then sleeping in bed because it's all really exhausting!

It's been a rubbish day and another day of my half term wasted. I feel utterly robbed of my first holiday in 15 months without an MA assignment hanging over me. This and the Christmas holiday are the last holidays I will truly have free for another year once my dissertation starts. I feel so fed up - all my half term plans have had to go out the window!!! Just hate this back problem and thought that it had righted itself - thank god for my own saviour in Louise my osteopath. Her service is amazing and she even text to check I got home ok and rang this morning to see how I am ! Brilliant service! A lovely lady who sees all manor of things on a daily basis and yet she helps in so many ways - just such a nice lady who helped me loads last (especially after getting a massive spasm whilst sat on the treatment bed and felt almost paralysed and couldn't move) - her patience and kindness I will always remember and appreciate.
My hubby has been amazing too - he has seen all manor of things over the last 24 hours - even having to help him on and off the loo (I really low point for me losing all my dignity). But he had to help me out of the car I got stuck in and screamed the street down and organised my lift to the osteopath with my boss who has also been great.
Just a real crappy 24 hours to be honest but I am hoping that my back begins to ease.

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