Imagine the view....

By btc


....that's how the morning started firstly because we had to send Jayne on a plane back to blighty because she was feeling so unwell (yes she wanted us to stay and enjoy the rest of the trip and she is fine).

Then the ballon ride I wanted to take the boys on was cancelled because high winds.

We did however manage to have a lovely day still with lots of touristy type stuff and finished off on a high at an American bar/restaurant called 'The Bird', the most wonderfully done medium rare burger.

It also left me with one hell of a dilemma for a photo but to choose so I took over all the family accounts, if you want to see the others here are

Brandenburg Gate
Train station
Some more

Also during dinner managed to secure tickets for England games against Chile and Germany in November, a good end to the day.

P.s. No, she really is fine.....

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