
By antipodean


I only took three photos today, all of the same thing, so I'm quite glad it's semi-interesting.

I tossed and turned all night and kept waking up because I had a really sore throat, and by the time I finally woke up this morning I felt pretty awful. So no trip to the gym, no working on my assignment and no sorting through the boxes. I spent the morning in bed and the rest of the day on the sofa reading and watching the rest of Luther. (It's so creepy but so, so good.)

I did actually go out this afternoon to see Mum's new flat with her. It looks so different without furniture, and we also got to see the storage cage that comes with the flat. The cage is down in the car park and it's kind of weird and creepy down there, but the cage is undeniably useful to store all our Mum's belongings (see yesterday's post for details about our hoarding issues).

This is a photo of the underground storage cages - I like it because it's a but creepy and bleak. I don't like the focus in this photo, but the other two were worse so I picked this one.

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