
By antipodean

Oh, Nostalgia

Today's title comes from one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite ladies, Lisa Mitchell. Go have a listen!

I had quite a big sleep in this morning, and didn't really get going until lunchtime when I made it to the gym. I'm hoping to get to the gym more often now that I'm not at uni, but we'll see how I go with that!

I spent my afternoon unpacking and sorting through boxes of stuff from our old house. Yes, we did move two and a half years ago, but we're the kind of family that still had boxes from our move to Australia in our old garage, so. Comparatively speaking, I've gotten around to these ones quite quickly! Anyway, as always sorting through the boxes led to an afternoon of reminiscing - I found a lot of stuff from primary school and a lot of stuff from London. There were an alarming amount of tiny animal statues, some dodgy old pottery projects from my pottery class days and so many random photo frames - mostly with pictures of me in them, which makes me look a bit narcissistic!

These little ballerinas were on my fifth birthday cake. Yes, we are also the kind of family that keeps the decorations on my old birthday cakes. One day you will see us on Hoarders! Anyway, I thought they were a lovely subject so I set them up looking like a corps de ballet on my bookshelf.

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