My Dog Jack

By jackrussell

Mountain Guide

The Boss was determined to go to The Lakes today and climb a mountain!

He really is in no fit state but I agreed to help him provided that Daft Harry came too. Harry has never been to The Lakes but I thought that he would be able to help drag The Boss up the steeper bits. The Boss has put a lot of weight on lately!! (They do when they get old)

As you can see, we are wearing our new climbing harnesses, well, everyone has their price!

It took several hours walk but eventually we got The Boss to the top of Boredale, what a fuss he made, huffing and puffing and wheezing!

Now, personally, I am not in favour of mobile phones in the mountains but all the time we were out, The Boss's phone kept beeping as yet another text message arrived. One even arrived as a fellow mountaineer kindly took this picture for me.

Not impressed by the The Bosses manners, I demanded to take a look at the texts he was receiving. They were from his care home and they read.

"Breathe in"

"Breathe out"

"Breathe in!"

"Breathe out!"

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